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I met Connor and Raja through our local indigenous community. We became acquainted through mixed traditional music and cultures. 


I was honored to be invited as a musical guest to one of their cacao ceremonies. It was humble and peaceful. The combination of music, cacao, breathing, meditation, and sharing was necessary and blissful. 


I look forward to working with them in the future. 


-Isaiah Johnson Bey 

Sleeping Turtle

Tonight's healing circle was so powerful!

This community of incredible people and these amazing experiences have brought so much peace and clarity to my life. I have finally decided to take full control back of my life and let go of the feelings of everything and everyone I thought was holding me down and I can honestly say I have never felt more free and full of love and joy!! I am so beyond grateful.


If you are not happy with how you feel or how your life is going you have the power to do something different or new! Find that fire in yourself I promise it will be the greatest journey once you finally cut ties to what's holding you back and open up to change, better things will come to you! Real Eyes Truth Inc.

I would like to say as a testimony that this non-profit and community has been a huge positive influence on my life these past couple months! I just came back to the area from Cali and needed community and support after shocking events and becoming a single mother with very little support. This group held me in my grief and letting go process and has been a safe container to share, grow, release, and rejuvenate. It's been such a blessing and I've met amazing people and community! I'm truly grateful for this community and Raja and Connor for creating it. 


Kristy Moonbeam 

RET is a welcoming group of kind people seeking peace and serenity through the power of multiple forms of spiritual, sonic, meditational & artistic healing. Raja & Connor have created a space for everyone's voice to be heard and welcomed. In the words of the famous actor Woody Allen, 80% of success is showing up. If that is true, then it should be said that 100% of the dozen of RET events that I "showed up" to attend were a success.


It is nice to know that organizations like this exist to make the community a better, more peaceful, & human-supported place during these tumultuous, uneasy times in America and planet Earth. One has to be open to new experiences and ideas. If nothing else, I recommend the unplugging that these events provide. Just put your phone on silent in a cubby hole and cut the cord to the fake world for a bit to join Connor & Raja's relaxing reality.

I love the community walks! It is a chance to get fresh air, exercise and meet like-minded people. The dogs love it too.

The Real Eye Truth community gatherings are a beautiful space holding love, light, connection and healing. A sacred place for sharing experiences and raising vibrational frequencies individually and collectively. Raja and Connor’s vision and work are blessing many with a safe healing foundation, and  needed more than ever. The guests presenting their healing modalities provide additional  healing options with short sessions  I felt honored to present the transformative  benefits of the Usui and Lightarian healing modalities. Blessings and gratitude  to Raja and Conor for their unwavering vision, work and bringing people together. Your illuminating light permeates all who attend. My heart feels that expansion is on the horizon. Thank you for persevering and making a difference. The best is yet to come. 



Last night Cacao Gathering was sensational, listening to sleepingturtle play flute music and then getting the chance to hear the story behind each song was truly amazing I am so grateful for this time with these inspirational people


Thank you for making this space for us @real_eyes_truth_inc



I have really enjoyed these types of gatherings. They have been such a peaceful safe space to explore my mind health and rolling into this cold weather we all need a little positive place to feel heard and share in a community of like minded people who will support us with this exploration…


Start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind. Feeling the float after a beautiful healing circle with Raja and Connor from



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