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Mission Statement



Real Eyes Truth is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded by local people to support diverse populations who are seeking connection, community support, and integrative healing. Our services include preventative trauma education, restoring family connection, self-discovery, crisis intervention, continued mentoring, peer support, and trainings for other professionals. We are people helping people, re-creating community.



What We Do: 

Real Eyes Truth is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded by local people to support the community needs on Cape Cod and the New Bedford area. Invested in a movement of collective healing, we aim to create a paradigm shift from a society of separateness to an integrated model of community. Our work focuses on healing from the effects of intergenerational and cultural trauma that has affected individuals and families. We foster safe spaces for people to restore their connection to themselves and the community through a holistic approach. Dismantling the current mental health idea that individuals are the problem who need treatment, we focus on creating group environments that support purposeful healing, community connection, and growth.


Who We Serve:

Currently serving the Cape Cod, Plymouth, and New Bedford areas, we work with diverse populations who are seeking

connection, community support, and integrative healing. We have models to  support anyone on their healing journey,

with different stages in mind including—


  • prevention of intergenerational trauma, restoring the child/parent relationship 

  • symptomatic functioning with individuals who feel dissatisfied in daily life 

  • crisis groups with people who are experiencing major life transitions within institutions, facilities or within the community 

  • maintenance of people integrating within the community and supporting others as a reciprocal web of healing 


The models focus on healing intergenerational and cultural trauma that have affected individuals, families and the community. This is practiced in the foundation of group healing and eliminating the idea of loneliness and detachment that has historically been promoted in the mental health field. 


These models are an integration of theory and practice by community members. We support community

members to empower themselves throughout the restoration process.  


How We Do It:


Utilizing Liberation Psychology and a Socioecological lens, Real Eyes Truth focuses on healing trauma on a collective level. By recovering our collective health through relationships, we focus on a strengths-based approach while cultivating and celebrating each individual’s sense of purpose and identity within the context of their larger community. The power of the group fosters a sense of self-empowerment and identification that we are all in this together. 


We offer group gatherings at each stage of someone’s experience to ensure sustained connection to self and community. Through these gatherings we incorporate our socio-ecological trauma model through education and awareness, while incorporating multiple holistic practices to release the emotions within the body and restore the mind-body-spirit connection. Community members can share what they are going through in order to identify and feel support from other members. 


Our holistic clinical team and network collaborate with our members to identify and support the needs of the community. We identify what action is needed to effectively carry out those needs in an empowering way. 


Our services include:


  • preventative trauma education

  • restoring family connection

  • self-discovery

  • crisis intervention 

  • continued mentoring

  • peer support

  • trainings for other professionals in the community through this socio-ecological trauma model. 


We also support other facilities within the community by connecting individuals to local resources through trusted partnerships, and work with other organizations to deliver educational/training materials. 


Our Approach: 


Theoretical Framework: Liberation Psychology


  • A movement with the idea of healing trauma on a collective level 

  • Celebrating aspects of strength, joy, and creativity 


Praxis: integrating theory & action


Socio-ecological Trauma Model—


  • The individual is impacted by its environment

  • Historical trauma/cultural norms impact an individual 

  • Focus on de-pathologizing individuals and creating harmony in society 

  • Relational Ecology: recovering our collective health through relationships as a principal need vs. Western lens of self as separate


Action: Interventions based on the said needs of the community 


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